3 Ways To Reduce Stress And Improve Your Self Awareness
personal growth

3 Ways To Reduce Stress And Improve Your Self Awareness


Don’t Let Stress Take Over Your Life

In today’s day and age, stress is something that people are regularly affected by. Stress comes in both physical and mental forms and sometimes it overwhelms us to a point of fatigue, aggression, and sadness. But don’t let stress take over your life, no matter how jam-packed your schedule is there are always ways in which you can mitigate the stress in your life.

So if you are looking to reduce stress or mental fatigue in your life while improving your self-awareness, here are 3 ways you can do this in under an hour a day.

  1. Exercise

    It should come as no surprise that exercise has made it to this stress relief list. As you have probably heard many times before, exercise can help reduce stress and also temporarily take your mind off of stressful situations. But don’t underestimate the power of exercise because it can definitely reduce the stress in your life. By simply working out for half an hour and increasing your heart rate, you will experience the benefits of exercise as a coping mechanism for stress.

    Furthermore, exercise has the ability to make you happier, healthier and stronger. If you don’t feel exercise is helping you reduce the stress in your life then you should try a new exercise. One of the best ways to get results and enjoy the experience is by selecting an exercise you are passionate about. So whether you enjoy lifting weights, playing soccer, rock climbing or dancing, do what makes you happy and you will notice a positive change in your life. For example, I love rock climbing so I make time to climb at least 4 times a week and this routine has had both mental and physical benefits in my life.

  2.  Meditation

    Meditation has become a popular practice amongst successful influencers and anyone looking to practice mindfulness. A lot of people are noticing that there are real health benefits to meditating and practicing mindfulness regularly. Furthermore, this increased popularity has made mindfulness and meditation practice more accessible and relevant to the lives of different individuals.

    If you don’t know where to start don’t worry because there are many apps that allow you to meditate in the comfort of your own home such as Calm or Headspace. So by simply taking 5 to 10 minutes out of your day to relax and breath, you will reduce your stress and mental fatigue. Personally, I utilize meditation every day to reduce my stress, practice controlled breathing and clear my mind.

  3. Gratitude Journal

    Gratitude journals are becoming popular amongst mindful individuals looking to become happier and more self-aware. Unlike a regular diary or journal you are not writing about experiences that have happened in your life, you are simply giving thanks. You are giving thanks and showing gratitude for your abilities, the people in your life, the opportunities you have experienced and your potential.

    Gratitude journals have the potential to change your mindset while making you more self-aware and reducing stress. In a gratitude journal you are only focused on the positives in your life as this will help you stay grounded and grateful. So if you are looking to use a gratitude journal feel free to order one off of Amazon, as that is where I got mine.  Furthermore, I try to use my gratitude journal every day because it helps me view my progress, appreciate my life and become more self-aware through reflection.

Change Your Life

So take initiative to focus on your mental and physical health by incorporating exercise, meditation and gratitude Journaling in your life. These practices could change your life in a positive way while reducing your stress in the long run. Thus, add these positive habits to your life today and make a routine that will help you overcome life’s most stressful situations.


If you found this article inspiring then read my blog post called, “Sacrifice Is Temporary Pain Endured In Hope Of A Future Return“.


  1. Hi Bradley, I love these ideas- simple but effective!:) Thank you for the informative post. I learned that there are meditation apps!:) I think I will try them out. Best, Christina (Pinning it)

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Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!