How To Accomplish Your Fitness Goals In 3 Easy Steps

How To Accomplish Your Fitness Goals In 3 Easy Steps


Add Fitness To Your Life

Everyone wants to exercise more but sometimes once they start the process they end up quitting a few sessions in. We know that exercising benefits us but why don’t we devote more of our lives to it? Is it because of our lack of time, lack of resources or is it something else? Whatever the case, you should add exercise to your life and make personal fitness a priority. Fitness has the potential to change your life because when you work out you are not only improving your physical health but also your mental health. So whether you are trying to reduce your weight, improve your overall health or simply stick to your new years resolution, here is how you can accomplish your fitness goals in 3 easy steps.

1. Do Fitness Activities You Enjoy

The first step to exercising more is determining what type of exercises and workouts you actually enjoy. Everyone has a personal preference and don’t feel ashamed if it is different then the ones of your friends and family. Determining your favorite fitness workouts are important because you are more willing to build a habit and enjoy exercising if you actually enjoy the activity you are doing. For example, I rock climb regularly as I love the physical and mental challenge incorporated in the sport. In addition, this activity allows me to also build endurance, develop strength and improve my overall health. So if you want to workout more make sure you understand what fitness activities you enjoy and revolve your exercising routine around those activities because you will be more likely to stick to the activity.

2. Create A Routine

After you have decided the fitness activity you would like to pursue then it’s time to build a routine. Sit down and decide how many days a week you are going to work out, what exercises you will do and how long you will workout. This will give you a better understanding on how you can achieve your fitness goals and workout regularly. One of the reasons people often stop going to the gym is because they don’t create themselves a realistic and detailed routine. Therefore, once you have a routine in place and you are consistent, you will essentially add a positive habit to your life in no time.

3. Set Goals

Once you are ready to workout and you are feeling inspired it is important to start setting some fitness goals. Once you have a better understanding of the activities you would like to pursue, you can then set some S.M.A.R.T. goals. But make sure you create both short and long term goals to improve your focus, consistency and fitness results. The goals you create can be workout related such as bench pressing over 100lbs, health related such as losing 5lbs or even achievement oriented such as winning a competition . Whatever goals you create for yourself make sure they are attainable and that you have a clear understanding on how you can actually achieve them.

Moving Forward

Furthermore, the time has come for you to turn off Netflix and head to over to your local fitness center to work on your goals and improve your health. If you dedicate yourself to fitness activities you enjoy, create routines that stick and set SMART goals, you will have a better understanding and a greater likelihood of achieving your fitness goals. So remember that everyone starts their fitness journey at the same level but by starting today you will be one step closer in having a healthier tomorrow.
If you found this article helpful then read another one of my fitness blog posts called, The 4 Core Elements Of A Healthy Lifestyle.
Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!