How To Start A Vlog From Scratch (5 Keys To Vlogging)
Content Creationsocial mediaVlogging Tips

How To Start A Vlog From Scratch (5 Keys To Vlogging)


How To Start A Vlog From Scratch (5 Keys To Vlogging)

Starting A Vlog From Scratch

If you are thinking about starting a vlog but you don’t know where to start or what to vlog about, the world is literally your oyster. When it comes to vlogging you can literally make a vlog about anything, whether it is a behind the scenes of you working or an adventure based vlog from your life. But whatever you decide to make your vlog about, just make sure you enjoy the creation process and you can sustain the content moving forward.

Ok, so now that we have the basics out of the way let’s get into it.

What You Should Vlog About

I was asked a few days ago on Quora, “What are the best things to vlog about on Youtube?” and this is how I responded.

When it comes to starting a vlog the ball is in your court, you can literally vlog about anything but here is what I recommend.

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1. Enjoy The Vlogging Content Your Create

Create a vlog you actually enjoy making (this seems straightforward but it’s easy to forget). If you create a vlog concept that you hate filming or find it hard to generate enough content, you should probably switch it up.


2. Storytelling is Everything

Always remember to tell a story (this is crucial). Every great vlog has a story but it is up to the vlogger to determine how they will tell the story in an engaging way.


3. Define Your Vlogging Style

Determine your vlogging style (length of vlog, highly edited, a day in the life, etc). Your vlogging style is unique to your storytelling style but don’t worry if you don’t have one yet, you will create one over time.


4. Be Authentic To Your Personal Brand

Be authentic with your vlog seriously.


Whether you vlog about your life or a niche specific topic, keep it real. Don’t boast a fake luxury adventure lifestyle, be real with yourself and your followers, that is the only sustainable strategy.

5. Create A Consistent Content Schedule

Be consistent, seriously.


When it comes to vlogging or any type of content creation I have seen so many people crash and burn. When people start a new project they are often hype and dedicated the first couple of weeks but slowly drift off. This is the biggest mistake I see in the content creation space because people get discouraged when they don’t see immediate results. It’s crazy because when it comes to content creation or building an audience you need to be dedicated to the process for the long term because it is going to be a grind.


For example, I’m not going to lie to you, sometimes I miss my posting date which isn’t good but I always make sure I post every week. Although it might not be on the exact day, I make sure I have content going out. So my advice to you is to create a content schedule you can sustain for the foreseeable future!

Vlog About The Things You Enjoy

When it comes to vlogging people have become popular on Youtube with different styles, niches and storytelling tactics. So don’t feel the need to do what is already “popular”.

Create your own style and feel free to get some inspiration from some of the best in the industry!


Casey Neistat (Product Reviews)

David Dobrik (Highly Edited)

Jason Nash (long form)

Bradley Thompson (Adventures)

Related: 4 Personal Branding Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

Let’s Get Vlogging!

If you have ever thought about starting a vlog but didn’t know where to start I hope this gave you a better understanding. Don’t worry about what other people think because at the start your content will be “cringey”  (seriously) but that is all a part of the creative process.

So my advice to you is start filming content today and be authentic but don’t feel the need to be the next Casey Neistat.

Be YOU!!

Figure out what you enjoy vlogging about, what story you want to tell, be authentic with yourself and create some awesome content!

Good luck!


If you enjoyed this blog post you may also enjoy my blog post called, “The Ultimate Personal Branding Guide”.

Also, I’d love to hear your opinion about the social media in regards to marketing so leave a comment or drop me a note on twitter @iambradthompson and check out my lifestyle vlog!

Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!