When An Opportunity Knocks, Open the Door
An Opportunity Is A Gateway
I believe any opportunity can be the gateway to even better and more quality opportunities in the future, thus it is important to appreciate and seize every opportunity you are given. Circumstances may not seem favorable at the time they are presented but many opportunities tend to be a diamond in the rough. I have heard many people say that opportunities are presented to lucky individuals but if you listen to any successful entrepreneur they will tell you that opportunities occur because of hard work and perseverance. This is the reason why I always strive to seize every opportunity that is presented to me because you never know what doors it will open, what experiences will be gained and what connections you will make from an experience. I have had many random chances turn into fantastic career and business opportunities, due to the simple fact that I just enjoyed the moment and made the best of it. I feel that if you want to be successful it is important to work hard, be honest, be determined and seize every chance you are given. I have been extremely fortunate in my life as I have been given many quality opportunities over the years and I feel that these experiences have been one of the keys to my personal growth and success at this moment. Furthermore, I can honestly say that all opportunities are beneficial because they can provide you with knowledge, learning experiences, networking opportunities and they could even lead to new quality opportunities.
Opportunities are beneficial because they can provide you with knowledge which will help you grow as an individual. Your initial perception of the opportunity is irrelevant because until you are engaged in the actual situation you will not understand the knowledge or resources you could potential gain. Many opportunities can provide you with new knowledge that you would have never gained whether this knowledge is relevant to your career or is not. This is due to the fact that because you engage in a new experience you will interact with new environments, people and situations. For example, I recently competed in my first ever case competition at the P.S.B Sheridan College Advanced Marketing case competition. Although I didn’t win I was able to gain valuable knowledge from being able to apply my education to a difficult case study and present it in a competitive setting.
Learning Experiences
Every situation creates new learning experiences for an individual whether they are positive or negative. Learning experiences are important because they can help you develop skills, learn valuable information or apply knowledge. These experiences are important because if you reflect and understand a situations results you will be able to improve your decision making and problem solving for the future. For example, lets say you pursue a job but it isn’t what you expected. From this experience you will be able to reflect and understand what went wrong and what early warning signs to look out for in the future.
If you didn’t realize it already, opportunities provide fantastic networking possibilities whether it is career related or not. In many situations you will meet and interact with new individuals and this will allow you to connect with more people from all walks of life. These opportunities help you showcase and promote your personal brand to other individuals in which you would not normally converse with, thus creating new relationships. For example, I was recently given an incredible opportunity to attend The Next Gen Dinner Series, I am so happy I was selected and given an opportunity to attend, learn and meet some extremely creative people. It was a unique and fulfilling experience as I was given an opportunity to meet inspiring students, sponsors and executives from around the marketing industry, thanks to Boost Agents Inc. and Ad Lounge. From this experience I had the pleasure of meeting and networking with amazing industry leaders from IPG Mediabrands, Amazon, Jam 3, blackjet inc, RIVET Global, Rangle.io and Paulo X !
New Opportunities
I believe receiving a chance to experience a new situation is crucial to personal growth and the ability to receive even more opportunities. It is interesting to see how random experiences can lead to life changing opportunities that you never thought were related. That is why it is important to always engage yourself in experiences because you never know where they will take you. Furthermore, I have personally been able to gain many new opportunities by getting involved at school. For example, I was recently given an opportunity to attend the Virox Future Forum which provided me with new knowledge regarding marketing, entrepreneurship, and creativity. Therefore, you never know where life will take you, therefore it is important to be open to new experiences.
Seize Every Opportunity
Furthermore, I feel it is important to try to seize every opportunity that comes your way because you never know what the outcome will be. In addition, I believe that it is in fact easier to receive opportunities through hard work, involvement and previous experiences then by sheer luck. Also it is important to realize that although experiences may differ, you will still be able to gain something in return when you accept and act on an opportunity. Therefore, in the future when an opportunity knocks, open the door.