Why I decided to Start A Podcast

Why I Decided To Start A Podcast…


I just wanted to take a minute to say happy new years and tell you BEAUTIFUL people that I recently started my own podcast (I’m super excited about it)!


Why Did I Start A Podcast…

I have actually wanted to start a podcast for a very long time, I was just way to scared to take the plunge and do it. But guess what I finally manned up and did it, I created my own podcast called, “Living the Canadian Dream“.

In this podcast, I talk about literally EVERYTHING and although some topics are serious, I think you can get some takeaways even if they are just laughs!

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

P.s. You can start at episode 1 below!

I Just Had My First Guest…

I am currently 13 episodes into the Living the Canadian Dream podcast and it is really starting to develop and guess what!? Episode 13 I had my first guest, so make sure you check it out!


If you enjoy the Living the Canadian Dream Podcast let me know in the podcast and if you have anything you would like me to cover shoot me a message!


Subscribe to the Podcast Now on SpotifyiTunesStitcherGoogle PodcastPocketcasts or whatever you listen with (it’s there)! 

Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!