Over the last few months I have been toying with the idea of revamping my personal blog. I have received many messages from people actually enjoying and reading my content. That’s why I have decided to move my personal blog to a stand alone website. This website will host all of my current and future blog posts. My goal is to continue blogging about the topics I love while I grow as a individual and accomplish my own personal goals. I hope to continue inspiring, providing valuable advice from experiences and helping others grow on their journeys to greatness. This blog will focus on topics such as learning, marketing, entrepreneurship and lifestyle management. I hope to not only help and inspire others personally but also have guest posts from friends and colleagues who are at the top of their industries.
So after much deliberation and thought I figured out the perfect name for a blog that is focused on personal growth, inspiration and achieving dreams. The name of my new blog is called, “Living The Canadian Dream“. So if you are interested in learning more about my blog, check it out now, subscribe and share this post! In addition, follow Living the Canadian dream on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
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Thank you for the ongoing support, I am looking forward to future of Living the Canadian Dream.
Bradley Thompson
Founder of Living The Canadian Dream