personal brand

How To Differentiate Your Personal Brand


You Are Different (In A Good Way)

Differentiation is the way that you’re personal brand stands out amongst the masses.


Everybody is unique in their own way and although this saying is cliche, it is the truth.  So leverage your unique abilities and story, because authenticity is everything when it comes to personal branding.


There is no one path to success in an industry or even in regards to personal branding, as every destination has multiple roads leading to it.  Thus, not all successful people in an industry have used the same course of action or road to achieve greatness. Everybody has experienced different circumstances to get to where they are today.


So rejoice your differentiating factors because they will set you apart and help your personal brand stand out from the status quo.

Figure Out What Makes You “Unique”

If you don’t know what sets you apart, you need to stop and really look within. Determine your skills, hobbies, lifestyle and upbringing throughout your life. Figure out where you began your journey and determine where you are now, whether that is in a professional sense or personal sense.


This is important because the first step to creating a personal brand is understanding what makes you, YOU!


Every great personal brand starts with self-reflection as it will help you figure out what your differentiating factors are thus creating a foundation of authenticity and legitimacy.


So in order to differentiate your personal brand from other people in your industry, you MUST answer the following questions.


  1. Personal Experiences

    What personal experiences have impacted you on your journey (positive and negative)?

  2. Values & Beliefs

    What are your personal values and beliefs?

  3. Passions

    What are you passionate about? What do you feel your “purpose” is in life?

  4. Failures

    What failures have you experienced in your life? What did you learn? How did you overcome these failures?

  5. Achievements

    What achievements or accomplishments have you had in your life?

  6. Expertise

    What are your skills and expertise?

  7. Goals

    What are your short term and long term goals?

Creating A Killer Foundation

Once you have answered the questions above you will have a better understanding about yourself which will help you build an extraordinary personal brand. These questions will help you determine the elements in your life that set you a part which you can use to differentiate yourself further.


Trust me, through intense internal reflection the understanding that you will gain from these simple questions will have a HUGE impact on your life. In addition, these questions are the foundation of every fantastic personal brand and they allow individuals to stand out in their industry.


For example, if you were to ask any industry influencer the above questions their answers would differ from others in the industry. This is due to the fact that the process of answering these specific questions is important to developing a solid legitimate foundation for any brand.


Therefore, that is why industry influencers leverage their answers to these questions as it helps them stand out from the status quo.

Start Developing Your Personal Brand

If you are ready to start building a distinct personal brand answer the 7 questions above to give yourself a proper branding foundation. By gaining a better understanding about your personal experiences, values & beliefs, passions, failures, achievements, expertise and goals you will be able to build a truly memorable brand for the long run.


So are you ready to develop your personal brand and become an industry influencer?

If you found this article helpful then read my blog post called,  “3 Fundamentals To Developing A Memorable Personal Brand“.
Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!