Episode 24: I Saved Her Life!! (Diondra Filicetti From @DrivenbyCo) | Living the Canadian Dream W/ Bradley Thompson

Starting A Clothing Company And Building A Community With Diondra Filicetti! (#24)


In this week’s episode, I have my good friend Diondra Filicetti from Driven By Apparel on the podcast and we talk about why she started her apparel company, some of our biggest inspirations in life, how I saved her life in High school (once) and why it’s important to be consistent when starting a project!

Enjoy this week’s episode and if you think it’s “lit” share it with friends and family!

What is Driven By?

Driven By… is an apparel brand by Diondra Filicetti that is defined by understanding and sharing what motivates us as individuals and showing pride in that drive.  In addition, Diondra regularly runs great events for the community to give back while growing her trendy apparel brand in the Greater Toronto Area.

“DrivenBy… branding appears in black and white, so as not to be defined by colour or imagery. ”

🔥 Follow Diondra On Social:

Personal Instagram: DDFili

Driven By’s Instagram: Drivenbyco

Check out Driven By’s website: https://drivenbyco.com


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In This Episode, We will Be Talking About…

  • Why Diondra Filicetti decided to start Driven By Co.
  • Some of our biggest inspirations in life such as Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Burr.
  • What we have learnt from starting a business and advice other people can use to grow there side project!
  • How I saved her life in highschool and why she needs to remember that!
  • Why I hate clubbing (as a short guy)
  • Advice for someone thinking about starting a clothing company!

Book of the Week: Diondra actually recommended a Ted Talk instead by Simon Sinek.

App of the Week: Night Guru an app for the clubbers out there!

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Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!