Open Water Swimming & Creating the ULTIMATE Home gym for a Pandemic!
In this week’s episode of the podcast, Bradley Thompson goes solo to talk about open water swimming, building the ultimate home gym and the ongoing Covid-19 quarantine. Bradley recently did his first-ever open water swim and it was an experience to say the least (terrifying), if you want to check out his real-time thoughts on this experience stay tuned for his “open water swim vlog” at Bradley Thompson Vlogs on Youtube. But aside from training, Bradley goes into depth about living the quarantine life, the importance of not making excuses and how the pandemic forced him to create an incredible home gym.
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On a side note, sorry about not having a video episode for this week’s podcast, unfortunately, our podcast video recording technology decided to crash.
Question of the day: “Why aren’t you wearing a mask?”
📚 Book of the day : “Tools of Titans” by Tim Ferriss
📱 App of the day : “Komoot” the ultimate cycling route planner.
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DigiHype Media
Today’s episode of the Living the Canadian Dream podcast was sponsored by DigiHype Media Inc. DigiHype Media is a Mississauga, Ontario based digital marketing company that specializes in social media, SEO, website design and branding. Contact the team today to get your business noticed online!