The Life Of A Working Student Entrepreneur

The Life Of A Working Student Entrepreneur


A Busy Life

I seem to be on a road less traveled by my peers but a road that I undoubtedly take pride in. I live a pretty hectic life, one which is comprised of post-secondary education, actively running a dance company and working in a Marketing position. People always wonder how I balance school, working and running my own company. The truth is that sometimes I don’t even know how this balancing act will keep from crashing down but the truth is, up until this point in my life it has been totally worth it. Although it is overwhelming a lot of the time, I keep myself busy, not just for the fun of having a challenge but because these experiences are helping me grow and develop as an individual. I have been able to have fantastic experiences and opportunities by actively balancing my busy lifestyle. I constantly remind myself every day why I stay in school, work and run my own company at the same time. It isn’t because I am insane or bored, there are many factors to my lifestyle choice which can be described as simply, “organized chaos”. Thus, here are some of the reasons I have chosen to constantly focus on these three enduring endeavors.

  1. Experiences

    I have chosen to continually work, stay in school and run my own companies because I have created many great experiences from all three situations. These experiences have come from great opportunities that were created by applying myself on these journeys. To date I have been able to gain valuable experience for my future career, in which not one of these paths could have fully provided to me if I didn’t focus on the others. Most of my peers either work, start a company or go to school strictly for experience and their resume. But I don’t believe that is how someone should live their life. I have applied myself in these positions not for my resume but because I enjoy what I do and realize these positions are helping me grow as a young business person. I understand that by applying myself in all three of these areas I can gain valuable education and hands on experience for myself whether it is of value to future career paths, is to be determined. But I know that by not taking the journey down these paths solely for my resume, has allowed me to enjoy the ride along the way as it has stopped me from burning out and living a life of unhappiness.

  2. Education

    I am a big advocate of choosing paths in your life where you can apply yourself to learn the most. I know many people that go to school just for the piece of paper and not to actually learn or apply themselves. Whereas I go to school to gain knowledge in a field I enjoy and can utilize benefit from this knowledge in my future. I believe that a degree is a plus, in the fact that having a degree with no knowledge is useless but having knowledge without a degree is more useful in the long run. So by actually wanting to learn in school I have been able to gain a lot of necessary knowledge and will eventually also receive the degree to go with it. Aside from school, I have learnt a lot by applying myself and opening myself up to the learning and application process across these endeavors.

  3. Work Ethic

    A busy life surely forces an individual to either restructure their priorities or develop some serious work ethic. I didn’t feel the need to restructure my life and choose between the things that I enjoy and that I am benefiting from thus I chose to develop my work ethic. Work ethic is a crucial part to living any life successfully and I believe forcing myself to develop these skills to maintain excellence on each task will benefit me in the future. From actively applying myself to every task I have at hand, I have been forced to improve my time management skills. Furthermore, my time management skills didn’t form overnight, it has taken years to develop them from being heavily involved in sports, school clubs and the arts, as I was going through both elementary school and high school. I have developed my time management skills in a way where being busy is normal and having spare time really isn’t. I would like to think that my time management skills are amazing, as I am able to efficiently balance everything that I need to complete. I suspect that by continuing to actively engage in a variety of ongoing projects in my life, my time management and work ethic will improve.

Investing In My Future

It is true, I live a busy life but I wouldn’t like it any other way as I am able to apply myself in a variety of tasks in which I enjoy. I am truly living the life of a working student entrepreneur and I believe that although life is busy right now, it will benefit me in the future. I understand that my future starts today, so that is why I have chosen to invest in my future by taking a path less traveled as it suits my goals and lifestyle. It is always important to remember that their is more then one path to success and taking the path’s that you enjoy the most and benefit from, will be the most important decisions you make in your life.

Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!