5 Reasons I Started Using A Physical Daily Planner Called, “The Panda Planner”
life hacking

5 Reasons I Started Using A Physical Daily Planner Called, “The Panda Planner”


The Search For The Perfect Planner

I recently started using a physical daily planner called, “The Panda Planner” and it changed my life. Personally, I have never been much of an “agenda person” or so organized that I have my daily schedule refined down to the minute. I have always been more of an “organized chaos” kind of guy. Basically, I was the type of guy who had 20 sticky notes on my desk, a bunch of planning and to do list applications on my phone and stacks of paper everywhere. But since I realized this wasn’t the most effective organizational method, I started experimenting with different planning, goal setting, and organizational techniques. My goal in this process was to find tools to help me improve productivity, accomplish my goals and crush my to do list. So after experimenting with a bunch of different organizational tools such as WunderlistGoogle Calendar, and even physical calendars, I realized that these specific tools didn’t include everything I needed. That is because I wanted a planner that would help me crush my to-do list, achieve my goals and help me grow as a person which made the Panda Planner ideal.



Five Unique Features of My Daily Planner

The Panda Planner is the perfect daily, weekly and monthly planner for my busy school, work, and blogger lifestyle. This planner has every tool I need but I want to share with you five specific features that the Panda Planner has which has helped me organize and optimize my life.

  1. Gratitude Journal

    I bought a gratitude journal before Christmas this year and I used it off and on. But I never got fully engaged and consistent because the spacing for each gratitude journal entry submission was too long (half a page long). So I wanted to make sure the planner I started using had a gratitude journal portion because it would force me to create an entry every single day. Also, I know the 5-minute journal has this feature but it doesn’t have a lot of the other features below which makes the Panda Planner optimal.

  2. Goal Setting

    This planner has helped me create S.M.A.R.T. goals while actually visualizing and achieving them. I have never had a problem with setting goals but being able to visualize and constantly keep track of them has been difficult. Thus, having sections in the planner for just goal setting and goal reviewing has been incredible. This feature has helped me create and manage goals related to social media growth and personal habits!

  3. Daily Affirmation

    The daily affirmation section of the Panda Planner is very powerful. A lot of people often forget to do a daily affirmation every day because they don’t understand the benefits. For example, creating a daily affirmation has given me a better understanding of myself and my personal goals for the day. In this section, I often write about confidence, passion, mindset and internal emotions. By writing a daily affirmation, I have been able to reflect internally on a daily basis and become more self-aware.

  4. Review and Reflection

    One of the most beneficial features of the Panda Planner is the reflection and review sections. These sections force you to look internally and become more self-aware about your progress and accomplishments. It also confirms to you that you are on the right path and this detailed review helps you adjust your strategies and focus in regards to your goals.

  5. Habit Building

    The Panda Planner has a section solely for habit building and as most of you know I am obsessed with adding positive habits to my life. So basically, this section helps you create new goals and really strive to add new positive habits to your life. For example, my habit this week was to ensure I get back into a morning reading routine.

  6. To do List

    Lastly, the to do list section in the Panda Planner is incredible. Not only does this intensive planner give you sections for “task” to do lists but also to do lists for “important projects”. I have noticed that by writing down and breaking down my to do lists by priorities and tasks, I am able to be more productive and focussed on the specific task at hand.

Invest In A Daily Planner

Basically, I am a huge fan of using a physical planner but not just any dollar store planner, the Panda Planner. I never thought I would prefer a physical planner over a digital one but the day has come. So I can honestly say that investing money in the proper planner has really changed my life in a positive way. Therefore, I implore you to do the same, invest in a planning tool that will help you optimize and organize your life. But remember, pick the planning tool that is tailored to your specific lifestyle and needs.

Do you want to purchase a Panda Planner? Purchase the same Panda Planner model I have or get the Panda Planner Pro

If you found this article helpful then read a couple of my other blog post called, “3 Simple Ways You Can Invest In Your Yourself“.

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Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!