Bradley Thompson's 2016 Reading Goals

2016 Reading Goals


2016 Was A Year Full Of Reading

It’s finally 2017 which means it is time to reflect on some of the goals I set for 2016. One of the goals I set for 2016 was to read more than 50 books by December 31st, 2016. Although I tried hard, I wasn’t able to achieve this goal by reading more than 50 books but I was able to read more than 40 books, 42 to be exact which is a satisfying achievement.

My Past Experiences

I am truly proud of this accomplishment because growing up I hated reading books. My mom tells me that when I was a kid I used to fall asleep with novels open on top of me as they literally, put me to sleep. So it is surprising that after using books as a pre-nap ritual for years, I have finally grown to love them.

My Journey

A few years ago I seriously started getting into the whole concept of reading books and learning from industry influencers and successful people. I have always been pro-reading but looking back at it now it is clear to see that the reason I never got into reading books was because I just wasn’t inspired. Growing up all throughout school the required readings for classes aside from “textbooks” were usually fiction novels, ranging from Harry Potter to Shakespear. These fiction novels are definitely beneficial for learning as the concepts from the books are great learning tools but the idea of reading books that were unrealistic and mythical never resonated with me. Personally, I have never been into fiction novels and I feel that if I was inspired earlier in life to read non-fiction books about skills I wanted to learn or about my idols, then I would have been able to understand the benefits of reading books a lot sooner.

Why I Read Books

The reasons I got into reading for leisure recently was because I saw the potential benefit of improving my skills and growing as a person. The whole concept of reading books has finally resonated with me. As a curious individual, passionate about learning, my new positive perception on reading books has changed my life.

Reviewing My Goals

At the start of 2016 I set a reading goal to put my focus on accumulating knowledge through books, to the test. Over the year I read a variety of books such as “War on Art”,  ” The Power of Habit”, “Alone on The Wall” and “Quiet”. I have been able to acquire knowledge about a variety of topics and different fields of study. Thus, I am thrilled that I was able to learn a lot of new concepts this year through reading and now I am excited to start 2017 strong with more educational goals. Furthermore, by coming off a large accomplishment in 2016 of reading 42 books, my reading goal for 2017 is to read more than 50 books. Although this goal is difficult, it is definitely achievable.

What are your educational goals for the year? Let me know in the comments.

 Are you looking to learn more? Read my blog post about how you can double your audiobook reading speed or my blog post on how you can become a learning machine

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Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!