lifestyle design

It Often Gets Messy Before You Get Organized


Organization Is Different For Everyone

There is no finite line to destination organization.

Everyone’s mind works differently and the way you organize or visualize information may be different from someone else.

So if you are a visual person, go visual. But if you are a content and context person, go information heavy.

Whatever suits your thinking, do that.

Don’t feel like you need to organize yourself and life a certain way because that is what society deems acceptable.


Related: How Failure Can Help You Grow As A Person


Struggling With Organization

So why am I writing this random post about organization?

Well for years, I have struggled with the simple act of organization. I am what you might consider an “organized chaos” sort of guy when it comes to organizing my schedule, workload, and life. But the other day I had an enlightening experience while attempting to organize my Google Drive.

I always thought of organization as an internal experience and dilemma. So when I received feedback from someone else, I was shocked about the benefits when it came to hearing someone else’s perspective in regards to my internal mess.

Personally, I have always loved the act of brainstorming as it allows you to expand your thinking while helping your generate more solutions to a problem. So hearing someone else’s opinion about an alternative way to organize not only gave me a different perspective but it helped me come up with a variety of new solutions to my organizational disaster.

Get Another Person’s Perspective

So my advice to you is that the next time you are struggling to organize yourself, get someone else’s opinion. Although your organizational problem may be super simple, simply hearing someone else’s perspective could be the thing that generates an innovative solution to your underlying problem.



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Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!