Stop Complaining, Things Could Be Worse

Stop Complaining, Things Could Be Worse


Are you one of those people that complain about everything? Like how Mondays are the worst or how your grande Frappucino got 1/3 milk when it should have been 1/4? Whether you are complaining to justify a situation or gain peer approval, stop right now. Things could always be worse in your life and whatever you are complaining about, is it really that bad?


Complaining has become a conversation strategy that I can even admit to utilizing once in a while to displace silence. This regular phenomena occurs because our society accepts and rejoices complaining as an act of expressing ones emotions. But this really shouldn’t be happening because it often externalizes problems which aren’t serious conflicts. Whether it is being used as a coping mechanism or to just create conversation, this epidemic needs to end. This is due to the fact that whatever you are complaining about probably isn’t that serious especially if you do it all the time. In addition, not only does no one enjoy listening to another person complain about meaningless conflicts but it has negative health consequences. Firstly, complaining can create more stress and frustration regarding the conflict as it won’t solve the problem. Additionally, complaining negatively impacts your body‘s physical and mental health.

Don’t Worry Be Happy

Therefore, stop complaining about insignificant conflicts and be happy that the situation is not worse. Although it is difficult to stop complaining altogether this process will make you happier and healthier. Alternatively, ignoring and resolving unimportant incidents throughout the day will help you grow as a person and give you peace of mind. Especially, when you are upset over something meaningless, complaining can make you feel worse emotionally and psychologically. Thus, enjoy life and stop complaining because it inhibits your ability to appreciate the fact that you are alive and well. So make an honest effort to become happier and reduce stress by taking the art of complaining out of your life.

Be Grateful

In conclusion, the next time you complain about how you only got 8 hours of sleep, stop and rejoice the fact that you were able to get a whole 8 hours of sleep.


If you want to be happier than check out my blog post “The 3 Keys To Happiness”.

Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!