Get up, stand up! The benefits of using a standing desk from one desk dweller to another!

The Benefits Of Using A Standing Desk From One Desk Dweller To Another! (Product Review)


The Perfect Standing Desk Option

Does your back hurt from carrying the team at work?


I know how it feels (joking).


But seriously, working at a desk all day can take a lot out of you and has a lot of negative side effects. So if you are like me and work at an office all day long and then decide to become a blogger and spend even more time at a desk, your body won’t be stoked about it.


Honestly, when you think about it human beings were never meant to spend the majority of there day sitting in front of a computer screen and that’s why the idea of a standing desk is perfect for the average person.


I know what your thinking, standing desks? Aren’t standing desks just for hipsters that work at tech companies?


The answer to that question is, NO ABSOLUTELY NOT.



Why Should You Use A Standing Desk?

Standing desks can benefit everybody as it will help improve your posture (more time in an ergonomic position) and increase your productivity at work while promoting a healthy lifestyle! But don’t worry, if you can’t afford the hefty price tag of a standard standing desk do the next best thing, get a standing desk converter!


So What Should You Get?

I had the opportunity to give the AnthroDesk Standing Desk Converter a try over the last couple weeks and it has been great. Although, I have never used any other standing desks before (this is my first), my experience with this brand was positive. So in this blog post, I am going to thoroughly review the AnthroDesk Sliding Standing Desk Converter.


The AnthroDesk Standing Desk Converter has Three Major Benefits:

1.  It is a lot cheaper than a standard standing desk.
2. You don’t have to throw away your old desk just convert it.
3. You get the same benefits as a standing desk and all its glory.


So when I got the chance to try out the ergonomic AnthroDesk Sliding Converter, I jumped at the opportunity.


But What Makes This Standing Desk Practical?

– This converter brings the benefits of a standing desk without the hefty price tag usually associated with standing desks.
–  Since this converter is so easy to use and it simply sits on top of your old desk you can adjust the height instantaneously and reap the ergonomic benefits.
– Personally, I use a laptop with a mouse and this converter gave me ample room to fit my laptop and mouse!
– This desk allows you to choose the healthier path to doing work at the office and at home especially if you slouch a lot (like me).
– This standing desk converter also comes with a supporting beam that you can adjust manually which will give you extra support especially if you type like a maniac as I do (it’s the creative process I swear).



If you are planning to buy this product, keep this in mind:

– The AnthroDesk Sliding converter comes in a variety of colors so you can match your current desk. I got the Cherry converter and it matches my current desk.
– If you use a PC with monitors you will need to adjust your set up so that the monitors, keyboard and mouse are all on the AnthroDesk Sliding Converter. Also, if you have a PC set up you should definitely take measurements and make sure your set up can be adapted to a standing desk position.
– I thought the converter would take up my entire desk but it wasn’t too bad to adapt to. I just had to adjust my set up to make space for the converter because it does take up about 3/4 of my desk.
– Since I usually use a laptop and second monitor when standing with this converter I could only use my laptop because I don’t have a proper clip-on the monitor stand. But I managed with my laptop and mouse just fine.
– Be careful with the adjustable support tripod because if you over twist it (i’m not sure if this was the exact cause), it will only work on the default height because it won’t be able to hold at any other height (this happened to me). I am lucky because the default height is perfect for me but just be careful with this tripod because if you are taller (than me) the height won’t hold if the tripod adjuster is damaged.


Get Up, Stand Up

So if you are looking to make the most out of your time at the desk, a standing desk should be on your wish list! But don’t be scared of the hefty price tag, the AnthroDesk Sliding Standing Desk Converter does the PERFECT job and doesn’t come at a ridiculous price!


Would you ever work at a standing desk? Let me know in the comments below!


Nerdy Specs About This Product:


Set up Time:

– The Sliding converter literally took less than 15 minutes to assemble (I timed myself).
– To adjust the desk from a sitting position to a standing position it takes 30 seconds (I timed myself doing this too).


Product Specs:

Dimensions: approx. 25″ x 17″
Width: 25″
Depth: 17″

Buy the Sliding Standing Desk Converter from AnthroDesk: a standing desk in Canada today and feel free to tell them where you heard about it!



P.S. if you found this article helpful then read my blog post called, “3 Simple Ways You Can Invest In Your Yourself“.
Bradley Thompson

Bradley Thompson

Founder of Living The Canadian Dream
Bradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!