The Dx3 Conference and Coffee With A Guru
Photo Credits to DX3 Canada: https://www.facebook.com/dx3canada/
At the beginning of March I received an incredible opportunity to attend the DX3 Conference and the Dx3 Ambassador programs, “Coffee with a Guru”. I am very grateful that I got an opportunity to attend the DX3 conference and Coffee with a Guru, so I would like to thank Boost Agents & DX3 Canada for inviting me to participate in the DX3 Ambassador program. These two events were tremendous as I was able to learn about the latest industry trends, network with high achieving business people and gain mentorship from industry leaders.
Photo Credits to DX3 Canada: https://www.facebook.com/dx3canada/
The DX3 2017 Conference
First off, attending the Dx3 2017 conference was an enlightening experience as I was able to sit in on many different keynotes by industry leaders and learn about industry trends in marketing, technology and retail. The keynotes and learning sessions were very informative and due to the wide range of speakers, I was able to gain valuable knowledge from influencers with different professional backgrounds.
In addition, the Dx3 2017 trade show floor was an incredible experience because I was able to walk around and interact with some of the top companies in technology, marketing and retail. I had an opportunity to ask intriguing questions to company employees about the innovative products they offer and even try some amazing demo products. Furthermore, it was very interesting to try a variety of different demo products on the trade show floor such as a virtual reality learning game by Sponge Lab.
Photo Credits to Boost Agents: https://www.facebook.com/Boostagents/
Coffee With A Guru
Coffee with a Guru was an immersive event as I was able to meet influencers and up and comers in the marketing industry while gaining valuable insights about career development and where the industry is headed. This event has allowed me to build new relationships, have engaging marketing related discussions, learn from industry executives and gain a better understanding of complex marketing issues. Coffee with a Guru was definitely a totally different experience from watching keynote speeches, as we were able to sit down and actually speak to influencers face to face. I personally had many questions about career development in marketing, creativity and technology, so actually having an opportunity to ask a variety of mentors these questions was phenomenal.
Additionally, this event was a satisfying event to end the Dx3 2017 conference with because it provided both learning and networking opportunities. In summary, Coffee with a Guru basically gave myself and other up and comers access to some of the best minds in the industry.
Photo Credits to Boost Agents: https://www.facebook.com/Boostagents/
It is events and opportunities such as Coffee with a Guru and the Dx3 2017 Conference that allow me to grow on my personal journey. That is because opportunities like these ones are not just short term experiences but they are life changing and beneficial in the long run. In two days, I was able to learn from companies changing the industry and gain insights on where different industries are headed. So the lessons that I have learnt have given me valuable knowledge and tools that I will be able to utilize throughout my entire career.
Reflective Questions
One of the questions I asked a Marketing executive at Coffee with A Guru was, ” Where do you see the industry headed in the next 10 years?”. Their response was phenomenal as it gave me a look into their personal thought process and their years of experience in the industry. Not only did they give me conceptual ideas of how marketing and technology will advance but they also gave specifics in terms of technology such as Virtual Reality. This one simple question was answered with a variety of insight, intellectual extravagance and inspiration regarding the possibilities for the future.
Grateful About The Experiences
In conclusion, I am very honored that I was able to experience an unbelievable two days at the Dx3 2017 conference. So I want to thank Boost Agents and Dx3 Canada for the opportunity to attend the conference and Coffee with a Guru, as well as participate in the DX3 Ambassador Program. Furthermore, this two-day journey has helped me grow as an individual and gain a firm understanding of the constantly changing world of marketing.
If you found this article about my experience at the Dx3 2017 conference inspiring or insightful then watch my video called, “3 Lessons I Learnt From Dx3 2017“.
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Bradley Thompson
Founder of Living The Canadian DreamBradley Thompson is a very Canadian lifestyle blogger, digital marketer and growth hacker from Toronto who is passionate about inspiring people through his blog and vlog. Although he lives a busy life he is dedicated to personal growth, developing his expertise and growing his blog, "Living the Canadian dream"!